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CGC focuses on teaching the basics of good manners and obedience, instilling the values of responsible ownership, and strengthening the bond between you and your dog at home and out in the community. 


Once your dog has the Basic Skills, the next step is the AKC Canine Good Citizen Course to learn how to apply their new skills in the community. The CGC Test is included at the end of the course. If passed, your dog earns the official CGC Title.


It's a great first step if you are interested in doing Therapy Work with your dog. Some landlords require the CGC for certain breeds. 


It is also a point of pride that you and your dog accomplished this together! A dog with good manners in public is a dog you can take with you anywhere and enjoy more activities with. 


​Accept a Friendly Stranger
Accept Petting, Grooming, and Examination
Walk Nicely on Leash and Politely through a Crowd
Sit, Down, Stay, and Come when Called
Pass Politely by other Dogs
Not Panic when left with Someone




Tuesdays 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Seven Oaks Park
200 Leisure Lane
Columbia SC

May 7 - June 11
Test on June 18

October 1 - November 5
Test on November 12

The Basic Obedience (Basics, Plus) Course is a Prerequisite for this course.

To Register
Call Seven Oaks Park

Dog Training


Recall Race! Learning is Fun!

We start where the Basics Course left off and show you how to systematically fade treat rewards and transition off the Gentle Leader, if applicable.

It's a more relaxed and loose atmosphere than Basic because the dogs and handlers have more skills and experience. We have fun!

We go through each item on the CGC test and show you how to train your dog to pass each one.

We pinpoint any weaknesses in your dog's training and how to smooth them out.

You get a practice run through the test before the real thing to get an idea of what it will be like.

The real test is given for free after the course is complete. If you pass, your dog is a CGC!

Email support if you have questions or concerns outside of training sessions.

A framable certificate on completion for all your hard work, even if you don't pass the CGC test.

After getting kicked out of Petsmart obedience classes, my hopes of certifying my Amstaff as a Canine Good Citizen were wrecked. But Kelly and Dawn at Woof University would not let us fail. They will stick with you through the challenges and teach you how to “Control your dog”! With their constant encouragement, email support, and private lessons, Woof University helped me pilot my boy though the CGC exam with flying colors!

Curtis B.


My dog already knows basic obedience. Can they attend the CGC Course?

The Basic Obedience Course is a Prerequisite for the CGC Course. The course builds on skills and techniques taught in the Basic Course for both Dog and Handler. Dogs need practice in a group class environment to be successful in this course. 


What vaccines are required for my dog to attend classes?

Kennel Cough (Bordetella) within the last year, not 6 months.


How many dogs are in the class?
Class is limited to 8 dogs 


My dog knows basic obedience skills but isn't reliable in distracting situations. Can they take the course?

Yes, the course teaches them how to apply the basic obedience skills they know in distracting and unusual situations.


Should I bring my dog to classes or do private training instead?
CGC is all about dogs learning to handle themselves with poise around other dogs and people. That requires other dogs and people, so group class is ideal.


What happens if I miss a class?
The course is to help your dog pass the Canine Good Citizen Test. If you miss a class, you simply miss an opportunity to practice and get coaching.


Can I make up a missed class in another session?
There are no makeup classes. The test is offered immediately after the course ends. 


Can we retake the test if we don't pass?
Yes, there are no limits to how many times you can take the test. We currently only offer the test twice per year but may offer it more often if there is interest.


What training methods do you use?
We follow the LIMA standard which stands for Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive. We use food rewards to teach new behaviors because it is the fastest way to train any animal. We do not use fear or pain to suppress behavior or use any method that causes mental or emotional distress for your dog. 


What are your qualifications?
Woof U has led training classes since 2009. Dawn led training classes for Thoughtful Paws for 20 years prior to that. We attend professional training to keep up-to-date with the latest science on training and behavior. Dawn and Kelly are AKC CGC Evaluators. Kelly has certification in training for Aggressive Dogs and is a Family Dog Mediator. You can read more about us on the
About Us page.

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